Monday, January 3, 2011

A New Year A New Lifestyle

Washing the cars yesterday seemed to be the rage, all hands on deck, dad and his girls all scrubbing the last of 2010 from their vehicles.  A nice little picture of what I want to do this year, wash away all the residue of last year and begin again fresh and ready for what this new year will hold.  I am really excited about it, new directions, new ventures, new friends, new thoughts and behaviours.  We have decided, Adrian and myself that this year we are going on a somewhat healthy walk.  Changing our bad habits and starting some new better ones.  I don't like New Year Resolutions, because so often in the paste I have made them and then very very shortly after I am failing to do them.  So this year no resolutions, just a determination to live a healthier life.  
I want to get a whole lot better with my self discipline, I am really content most of the time and my waistline is telling the story.  My back has been terrible since June and I have spent so much money and time on the chiropractor, that now I just want to lose a bit (read LOT) of weight and I really think the aches and pains will subside.  So like these deliciously gorgeous looking eggs we want to be fresh and new this year.
We're going to take up dancing, ballroom, new vogue, whatever it's called now, we are going to trip the light fantastic.  I am nervous, but a little bit excited to, I love doing things with Ade so I'm looking forward to it.
I am determined this year to find the bright and the positive and the good in everything again.  I know there will be sadness and concern and fear, doubt and anger too, but I am determined to look at all of these times and see the good or the lesson or the way to let it change me, to grow me.  Like the water rushed through our gully recently and washed away so much debris, and revealed things hidden in the undergrowth, let this be a year for me where those things are revealed and dealt with.  I am really excited.  Are you planning a great 2011, I truly hope so.


  1. I have wondered if you are affected by the floods in Australia.. so sad:( The egg photo is just lovely!

    have you tried Physio for your back?

    And yoga?

    Here's to a very good 2011.

  2. You have beautiful intentions and goals for 2011 - its going to be an incredible year for you.

  3. Oh what super photos! I've been reading but not pleased t hear your super super news. No wonder you're all fired up about 2011. you know I feel the same, i have SUCH an excitement about this year - the energy is bubbling up for it.

    I admire you for tackling the things in your life you want to change and, I know, your children and grandchildren will be so grateful to you for embracing a healthier lifestyle. A dear, dear dear friend of mine died last year from being fat. It was that simple, he was grossly fat and it killed him. He was 51 and he left 4 children aged 19.17, 5 and 3. It broke my heart that he died but I felt so cheated and angry that he died because he wouldn't tackle his lifestyle.

    I don't say that to alarm you, because I know you're just talking about a few pounds and a more active life. But these 'small' steps have such a huge impact on everyone, not just you.

    And as for toxic 'friends'? They are hard to weed out, but life is too short. You've been through hard, hard times. You know who your friends are. Enough is enough.

    Hugs to you xxxx

  4. Monique, I am off to my Physio man on Thursday and yoga was in my thoughts too so thanks for that.
    Jamie I really hope so thanks,
    yes I am ready for new things hope I can keep up the motivation ha ha!


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