Monday, October 4, 2010

Two More Books

Life Begins, well it was a little slow to begin in this book, but in all fairness it did get going a little later.  We meet Charlotte, recently divorced, trying to sell her house and failing, hooking up with her estate agent and failing at that too, in rather nasty circumstances.  Her best friends husband getting interested in her after he sees her greying aged bra strap, really, how does that happen and Charlotte, finally realising that perhaps she is more at fault for some of the disasters in her life, than she would like to admit.  Not a bad read all up, fairly light and probably the style of novel you read on the plane or just to while away a few hours.  Not deep, serious or very thought provoking, but a pleasant read none the less.

Tied to the Tracks, the blurb on the back of the book says this is an irresistible modern love story.  Hmm well I could resist really I could.  Okay I have to admit I picked up both of these books hugely discounted at the largest book store in town and there is usually a reason for this hey!?  Again not a bad book, not great either, a mildly interesting read, moderately humorous mainly because of the strange antics of the very Southern Gals in this book.  So a small but growing film company is asked to cover the life of Miss Zula Bragg.  Literary legend, reclusive and a Negro living in the South, this is where things get interesting for the crew.  Jumping at the chance to explore this woman's past they head to Ogilvie and the sparks begin to fly.  The head of the university that employed Zula is also the lost love of the key player in the film company.  He is engaged to be married but things aren't running as smoothly as they should be for the future bride and groom.  Typical gossip, lies, truths, opinions and misconceptions fill this book and while it is mildly interesting it isn't riveting.  Another plane ride novel, not bad but not great.


  1. I really appreciate your truthfulness:) Cute covers though:)

  2. i feel that way about books that i pick up at discount - not so bad if i give them a try and they are not as great as i hoped.


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