Thursday, November 19, 2009

Thoughts for Thursday

Oh was I excited when this guy decided to visit us last night, a Kookaburra. I love them they are just the cutest darn things ever.  The blue feathers on their wings are lovely, shimmery, just gorgeous.  They mate and stay together for life so you have to like that about them, but they are noisy.  They have this raucous laugh they do, sorry I can't do it for you but go here and listen it is crazy and you'll find yourself smiling. 

They eat meat, usually snakes, mice, frogs, bugs etc., but hey we had some really nice fresh thin cut beef on hand so he got a bit of a treat.  Hope he comes back tonight.

Walking this morning I looked into the golf course we pass and what a beautiful sight.  A carpet of Jacaranda blossoms all over the ground, this time of year is just wonderful for the Jacarandas here.  There are literally scattered all over the city and sometimes you can drive under an avenue of them and it's like a purple rain, so sweet.

The mornings are wonderful now, sometimes the fog lays low and the air is cool and damp, I love mornings like that.  Because it is almost summer it is warm and we walk, Ashleigh, Danielle and I, usually we are gone by 5.30am.  The world is ours then.  Everything is new and clean and I feel like today I have a new chance, a new start.  We should whisper as we walk, so we don't wake those that haven't realised the specialness of early morning.
Lensustogether my favourite photo posting site is about mornings this week.  So many great and thoughtful postings about mornings.  I am a night owl, but I still love the morning.  When we are on holidays I only ever spend the first morning sleeping in, if I even do that.  I just love to get up early and discover the place as it is before everyone else comes awake.  Rome, Venice, Cinque Terre, London, Bacharach, Toowoomba all of these places have a morning call, and to answer that call is to see the city fresh alive, new.  I love mornings.  It's like no matter what went wrong yesterday, today is new and maybe today will be better, maybe today I won't make those same mistakes, new ones probably, but not the same ones.  So I love the newness of the day.  Every day is filled with new possibilities, new chances, new people to meet, choices to make.  Do you love the mornings.....?


  1. love seeing your bird there - he's a handsome fella. i can remember singing his song in grade school.

  2. I have to come back to listen to the bird, as my husband is sound asleep....thought he might wake with a start. lol. I am a morning person through and through. It is 330 am, with my Cataplexy, I have to sleep about ever 3 to 4 hours so that I don't have my spells. As soon as I tire, I am dropping like flies. I have the most energy as soon as I awake in the am, so if I lived near you, I possibly could be done my walk by the time you got started. lol. mine would just be shorter. Take care. loved the jacaranda tree, wow. that would be so pretty, a street of purple. Be well.

  3. Always enjoyable to read your blog and view your photos!

  4. I think that bird is amazingly beautiful! Oh, what a blessing to have him visit.
    I have to tell you, the photo of the tree and the fallen petals. OMGoodness, it is stunning. I won't forget that picture anytime soon.
    I was walking with you.
    ps:thanks for the recipe, i am so happy to check it out.
    : )


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