Friday, January 27, 2012

Pieces of Me

2012 is going to be the year I make the changes in my life that I have to make, I need to make them.  As I said yesterday I want to really live this year, totally abandon fears, doubt and old habits and thoughts that are holding me bound.  I want to put the pieces of me back in the right place.  Hard work I know, but since having posted my Word post I have been encouraged by so many people.  I even have one dear friend who is now going to be contacting me every day and me her, with 5 things we are grateful for.  The idea being that we will both begin to focus on the great things we so easily pass over.

Thank you for taking the time to offer this to me, I am so grateful for you and your thoughtfulness and kind heart.  I have some very bad habits to sort out, not moving my butt enough being one.  Eating out of boredom another and drinking too often.  I want to do a spring clean on my body and my spirit.
I have a picture of my almost perfect me in mind and I have some of the pieces I need to create that, so come along for the ride and see how the puzzle of my life turns out.

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