Monday, November 28, 2011

It's a struggle

 I am finding it quite difficult at the moment to post a blog entry.  Why, well I'm not sure, I just don't seem to have anything interesting to say.  Did I ever?  I wonder.  I started this blog because I had been posting on my blog about Lucas's fight to survive his liver disease.  It made me sad and angry, when he passed away and I wanted to write somewhere happier.
 Now 2 and a half years later, my voice seems to be whispering.  What do I actually have to say anyway, really?  I love to photograph, I am enjoying exploring paints, and paper and glue and stamps.  I love being a nanny, wife and mother.  But to talk about what.
So I hear myself whispering instead of talking out loud.  What to do, I don't want to stop completely, I have met the most incredible people here.  I have had emails and conversations with you.  I have met you in Cannes and dined at your table and discovered your world.
What to do. I'm not sure, I'll see.  Do you like my onion flowers, yep that's what they are.  My salad onions were a bit of a failure, more like shallots actually ha ha, but as they went to seed these gorgeous pom poms appeared.  I love them, what about you?  Funny isn't it that an onion would have such a pretty puff of white to spread it's seeds.  Nature is truly amazing.  In my garden at the moment we have just finished our harvest of the most juicy and sweet nectarines, our raspberries are ripening and the blueberries are a delicious purple.  The birds love the strawberries little buggers.  The plums are ripening and the olives are forming yum.  Gotta love a country garden.


  1. I, for one, will enjoy your shouts should you choose to shout and I will enjoy your whispers, if that is what you feel like doing. And, as always, I will enjoy sweet pictures and text about the beautiful Elle. And if you choose not to communicate through a blog at all, then I will miss all that is you and I will wish you a most wonderful, joyful, happy life.

  2. Sad reflections in your mind, but happy reality in your garden it seems.
    We'd love for you to continue and show us all those treasures of ripening fruits and cheeky birdies.
    Never mind what one says, as long as we talk to each other.

  3. I think we all have those periods where the whispers pop up. I think they usually go away when they are ready. For now, I'm just going to enjoy your gorgeous flowers.

    Have a great time on your cruise.

  4. We all go thru moments when we feel we have nothing to offer..and then - something changes..and you find yourself with something. Just keep at it. Your voice will grow louder and stronger with practice and time.


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