Monday, August 1, 2011

For All You Amazing Women

I went to a blog last night, Teri's actually and she had posted this wonderful flash mob dance.  I have to admit I love flash mobs.  Having been a part of one in Trafalgar Square where Pink herself showed up was amazing.  Admittedly the flash mob we were in was a karaoke one not a dancing one, which I was so disappointed about, cause believe me I got the moves baby hahahaha!!!!!  But a flash mob none the less and I love them.  I wish we had them here in Australia, I don't know there are some things we just don't seem to have cottoned on to over here, believe me our loss. So my offering to the blogland is to all you amazing, wonderful, inspiring, strong, courageous, beautiful, talented, kind, sweet, adorable, funny, wise, generous women.  All of you that I have met and become friends with over the past few years.  Those of you who have offered me words of comfort, emails that made me laugh, and friendship from across the miles, literally countries away, this is for you, you are amazing and I thank you for your friendship and your love.  You have mine.

I am delivering census forms at the moment and time is of the essence, I am enjoying it but am tired at the end of each long day.  I have met so many interesting people, a story behind each one.  So when time allows I will post again, until then enjoy the flash mob my special ladies.


  1. What a nice post and a fun video. It is wonderful reading blogs of women from all over the world. How amazing and to think when I was in college (early 80's!) we talked about the day when we'd be using computers for so many things-it was hard to believe!

  2. Can't wait to hear some of the stories from your census work, I hope you are going to share.

    I LOVED the video


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