Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Solitary Moments

I like my own company, I love my own space, I enjoy time on my own, I like solitary moments.  Do you or are you a people person, craving company, needing people around all the time?  As a young person I needed people, always had people around, was always out and about never sitting at home with a book or a movie and a coffee.  A few years ago, when the girls were all in school and I wasn't needed in the classroom to offer my expert help and opinions, I found myself at the movies on my own, gasp, horror.  Yes I found that the movies I like, the arty ones that have a short run and only a half filled theatre were on Wednesday mornings and for $5.00 I could watch the movie and have a coffee and cake.  I was in movie heaven.  These were the movies that I knew Adrian would fall asleep in and I would love.  So began my venture into solitary moments.  Next came coffee shop outings.  A book or magazine in front of me for safety and so I didn't look like I was really on my own, I would end up people watching and sipping coffee and eating more cake.  I began to enjoy my time alone.  Five am walks on cool foggy mornings when the world felt like it was just mine alone, walks in parks, camera in hand all the time in the world to snap away, more me time.
I am a fairly solitary person, friends I can count on one hand, has always been my way, family paramount in all things.  I am what I am I guess, I can't be any other way really and still be true to me, I change as my life changes and I love my friends, and family, but I love my solitary moments too.


  1. when i got divorced and moved to another city alone, i got used to going and doing on my own now that i'm back with family - i'm getting used to doing things in groups. but, i'm still just as happy doing alone.

  2. Don''t change your wonderful as you are. I love my solitary time that is for sure. I love the photos Kim, they are beautiful. take care.

  3. Lovely post..and photos..

    Very much like you.. Used to like having more people around.. in my not so much..just family the most:)

  4. I loved this post! I love being around people but so need my solitary moments. It's been harder and harder for me to find that time - winter, commitments, etc - yet I need it so much to maintain my sense of self, to bring the best that I am to others.

    Thanks for this wonderful reminder to find it, make the most of it.

  5. I've always had tons of friends and like spending time with them- but I NEED my solitary time to be a sane human.

    And I LOVE going to movies on my own. Heck I even travel on my own frequently and love it.

  6. That is one beautiful image. The seagull makes me feel peaceful somehow. I am a very social person, but find myself surprised at how desperately I crave alone time to balance it.

  7. i can't remember if i commented but yes, i love my own space too

  8. you and i are very alike my dear...xo

  9. Beautiful, beautiful shots. I love my solitary moments as well; we're much alike, I think.

  10. Ah how lovely. I'm an 'alone' person, always have been. I'm an only child and I often attribute it to that. One of the hardest things I've found about being a mother is how little 'alone' time I get. I really, really struggle with it and I know when I"m antsy and shouty it's because I need a little ME time which means time alone with ME! x


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