Monday, November 1, 2010

Making Butterflies

I have finally started making butterflies for the amazing "Butterfly Project" I told you about a few weeks back. Remember the Houston Museum is looking for 1,500,000 butterflies to  display to represent the 1,500,000 children who perished in the Holocaust.

Now just remember as you gaze upon my so very wonderful butterfly here, that I do not have a very good handle on all things crafty.  I love to photograph and edit, I like to cook and I like to fiddle with a lot of things, but fiddling and not perfecting anyone thing leads to the above.

But hey I am going to make 3 of these little suckers no matter what.  I am making this one for Lucas, in memory of him and all the other little boys who will not get to make their mark on the world, in a physical sense.  For all the grandma's and mum's who miss their little man like I do.
Then I am going to make one for Elle, I want one to be hung there to represent both these beautiful little ones who have meant so much to us.  And then I will make one for me.  So as I finish them I'll give you a little peak okay.
Oh another fresh egg yesterday afternoon and one this morning.  The girls are hard at it.  good to see.  They have to earn their keep you know.
Ashleigh's feet at Amy's wedding how she stood all day and half the night in those shoes is beyond me, what a legend.
So back to the butterflies, are you joining in? See you certainly don't have to be talented or even very artistic as I have so simply shown you.  I can't wait to be a part of it actually, come on join me and show me your creations.


  1. What an incredible project! Your butterflies are adorable.

  2. They are beautiful and it really is a wonderful project. I am going to see if I can come up with any of these today. thanks Kim. hugs.

  3. sooooo beautiful. the project and the last photo especially.

    lots of love sent your way. one love. you mean the world to me (and us)

  4. Thanks Jamie, so many children it blows my mind
    Cinner great fantastic have a go they don't have to be perfect just represent one lost child good for you
    Se'Lah and you to me love and hugs


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