Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Made with love and New Moon

For my 40th birthday a friend made me these look-a-like dolls.  One the red haired one is meant to be my friend Chris and the other is meant to be me.  And even though neither of us has long hair we do have different skin colours, she's quite olive skinned and I have that oh so lovely, before you spend 30 years tanning, fair English skin.  Yes I was one of the generation that refused to wear sun tan lotion and is paying for it now.  Freckles, wrinkles and rosea, or whatever, red veins that shouldn't be there, it is not nice to look like you are sporting a nice blush all the time.  Thankfully mine is very slight, who forgot back then to tell us to slip, slop, slap!!!!!  I wouldn't have done it anyway though, I can remember the time when the only sun screen I put on was pinke zinke on my hair part.  Hey we all know there is nothing worse than a peeling part, can you believe it???!!!!  What was I thinking.   Anyway back to the dolls.  Chris made them by hand, even the dresses, and surprised me with them on my birthday.  I was absolutely amazed, mostly because of how gorgeous they are and then because I could not believe that someone would ever spend so much time, making something so incredibly personal for me.  I have freckles on my nose she doesn't, she has given us both tattoos.  Something I have thought about doing often on those days when I am feeling particularly rebellious, something I will almost certainly never do.  I have a little tulip on my wrist and a heart on my bottom, (not me really of course).  Chris has a rose and lips tattoo on her wrist and upper arm.  Seriously just too cute.  So I have posted this picture on Lensustogether for the theme this week of Home Made. 
Ok New Moon, we went last night, Ashleigh, Danielle and me.  The theatre was chockers, and the line up outside a half hour before it started crazy.  Now 12 months ago I would not have read either Twilight or New Moon, the church I was going to was and probably still is totally opposed to any one reading any novels like that.  Harry Potter, anything supernatural all out of bounds.  So to have read the book and then to go to the movie is totally out of character for me.  Now did I like it.  Yeah it was fun.  But I was amazed at the enthusiaiam of the other fans.  Seriously everytime any of the characters says even the slightest funny thing it was followed by this uproarious laughter.  Yes they comment may have been funny, slightly or even more, but these people respond whole heartedly, it made me giggle.  There is a scene where Jacob the werewolf guy is shirtless, well actually he barely wears a shirt throughout the entire movie, but for this first scene when he takes his shirt off, oh my goodness, I swear I thought the place was going to be full of passed out women.  The entire audience gasped, come on now people this kid is 17 years old and some of you were in your 30's to 40's, get over it. 
New Moon

I know this is just a little bit of eye candy to prove the point, yes he is buff and yes they had every right to heave great sighs and swoon a little when he whips off his shirt, I mean oh my goodness, but my youngest children are older than this lad.  And after all the heroine of the movie is hooked on the vampire guy
New Moon
A different look I'd say.  Anyway it is funny to see and hear all the girls, women....getting so involved with this movie.  A love story to be sure, the sexual tension is high definitely and people choose camps, you know are you in the Jacob camp or the Edward camp.  Well to be honest I'm in the happily ever after camp, one husband for a life time, if possible, and one that won't bite or scratch me suits me fine.  I guess if you can stay calm and unattached go check it out, pleasant on the eyes at times and a story of longing, lingering and loving.


  1. There is a girl in my office that assures me it is the most romantic..continuing story..My girls are reading the books..I saw Twilight..w/ one.. I liked it enough:)

    Cute cute dolls!!!I agree so sweet to have made them for you!

  2. i miss being 16 :( so much and generations after generations the younglings will always be the same. i remember how i swooned when my favourite actor came on screen, shirt or shirtless hehe...we would pause the vid tape there for not less than ten mins and go oooh aah drool!! have not seen the movie yet..enjoyed your write up! cheers

  3. Tomorrow is bound to be crazy. So tonight while it is quiet, I wanted to wish you and yours the happiest, most delicious of Thanksgivings. Happy Turkey Day, my friend.

  4. I think your dolls are beautiful made all the more special because of the personal touches added.

    I'm yet to jump on the Twilight bandwagon, Vampires don't do it for me I'm afraid.

  5. I must say vampires alwasy kind of creeped me out too but this whole thing isn't really about the vampires it seems to be more about love, keeping it at bay, controlling impulses etc etc...interesting concept for these instant gratification times we live in.


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