Monday, August 31, 2009

It Has Rained.....

Finally it has rained.  Oh boy this is wonderful.  It's been so hot and windy, the grass has become crunchy underfoot and all the flowers are struggling to make sense of what season it is.  Tomorrow is the 1st day of Spring, but weeks ago we began to see the flowers blooming in the park gardens.  The gardeners have been madly loping the heads off early blooms for days now.  We have our big flower festival in a couple of weeks.  People come from all over Queensland to see the beautiful display gardens and parks in Toowoomba, and at this rate the flowering will be long over.  And dry, it's been so dry we haven't had rain for weeks now.  By faith I planted some strawberries months back, lettuce, sugar snap peas and tomatoes.  We have a couple of really large rain water tanks so I have been keeping them alive, but rain beautiful rain, there's nothing like it for vegies.  So today I sit in layers of clothing, where over the last few days we have been stripping down to bare minimum.  It's cold again, really cold, gotta love Toowoomba 4 seasons in one day.  Oh but I do love the rain.


  1. Your veggies look very happy. I just planted a late summer garden and have little spouts coming up myself.


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