Friday, June 17, 2011

Goodbye Char

Today I am sad, really sad, I found out late yesterday that Char a dear friend from Ramblins has passed away.  I am shocked because I had read her last post and felt with her, yes sometimes it is hard to keep posting, do I have anything to say, should I continue to do this.  Life is busy and time is short some days and I have to choose how to spend it in the best way.  But Char I miss you, I wish you could post again, I wish you could take another photo to make us smile, post another recipe to make us wish we could do that.  Tell me what you're listening to on your iPod today so I can hum along.  Yes I'll miss you.  It is the suddenness of this, that one day we are here, and then we are gone.  No reason, no sense, just gone.  I hope you knew Char that so many of us loved you, we never met you in the flesh, but we loved your heart, your style, your being.  We may not have told you in so many words and that makes me angry and sad, we should have.  
I hope you knew we loved you that is all I can say.  We loved you, for you.  I hope we told you that.

So tell everyone, tell them you like their photos, their story, their just being them.  Don't let a minute slip by that you just drop in and say nothing.  Tell them you've been by and taken a peek at their lives and you've enjoyed visiting.  It may make such a difference for them to know.  Join with me for Char and tell them you love them, you care that they share, that they make a difference.  Make sure they know again Char we loved you, we love you, we miss you.


  1. I am such a firm believer in saying: "I love you"..I appreciate you..Thank you.. etc..
    Life is short..and can change on a dime.
    You have to have lived know.
    Lovely post..I sad:( you..thanks for everything you share~

  2. she was so special to everyone and is so missed.....our hearts were broken today....xo

  3. kim you are one true friend. may your friend rest in peace. sending you big hugs lovely lady. xo

  4. This is beautiful, we all will miss her. I am so saddened for her family. She loved spending time, being a wonderful Aunt. I think she encouraged us and made me want to be better, to strive harder, to continue on facing life and living it. May she be in heaven knowing how much she was loved. I am sure she did.

  5. A lovely tribute to a very special person.

  6. What a sad reminder that time is fleeting.

  7. I've been reading the tributes that have sprung up across the web, and after hours of disbelief, your is the one that finally made my tears flow. Thank you from another blogging friend of Char.

  8. what a loely tribute ... thanks for your heart today

  9. I heard yesterday from Melanie of "Secret Notebooks, Wild Pages" that Char has passed over. I had never been to her blog but when I went there today, to read about her, to find out who she was and what she card about, I was touched. I went on to see blogs that she followed and your blog popped out at me. I am so glad that I was "lead" to your blog. Your sentiments are incredible regarding Char and everyone else that we "meet" her in Blogland. And, I wanted to tell you that I appreciate you. I was prompted by you to do so but I am really inspired by your words and that wonderful photograph. I will be back. Love that little baby in the side-bar. We just had a new granddaughter grace us with her presence 3 weeks ago and it is the best!

  10. "I hope we told you that" make me cry.

    Lovely post. Lovely human being.

    Thank you for this.


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