Sunday, May 29, 2011

Teaching myself

I am teaching myself to digitally manipulate my photos.  I want to be able to take a photograph and then bring it home and completely change the look of it, by adding or changing or adjusting, everything about it.  So I took this shot of a magpie taking off in the park the other day, it was blurred and I really liked the look of it, so I have been playing with it for a couple of days.  Above I have really played with the colour of the background and adjusted the levels quite a bit.  I like the look of it too.
Here it is SOOC and I like it a lot just as it is.  I'm not too fussy about a lot of the rules of photography, you know the thirds rule, the symmetry of photos, light, exposure, blurriness blah blah.  I just like taking photos and seeing if I like them when I am done.  This one is probably technically all wrong, I really don't mind too much I love the movement and the colour in it.
This one has a real stormy, eerie feel about it don't you think?  I used some brushes for the trees and created a vignette around the edges using brushes too.  I like it a lot too.  I'm enjoying fiddling but I get very frustrated when I am trying to do something and can't work out to get it to happen.  Like at the moment I am wanting to make a clipping mask using the pencil tool and I cannot get it to happen.  If you know how to do this using PSE8 PLEASE let me know you would be saving my sanity and my RSI in my right arm ha ha!!
So until later I'm off to have a glass of bubbles and some dinner, cheers all.  Happy Sunday.


  1. love what you are doing - I enjoy this kind of process turning a photo into digiart. Sorry don't know how to make a clipping mask with the pencil tool - what effect are you after, there might be another way to do it?

  2. I love what you are doing. Beautiful. I'm new to clipping mask and have to read instructions every time. If I figure it out I'll let you know.


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